

Hello, How are you?


Good, I hope! Let me introduce myself. I’m 38 years old (wish I could lie about my age!) and a deaf mother to a wonderful son, Zachary who’s 18, and also have been in a serious, looo-oo-onng relationship with Gerald who I absolutely adore. *twinkle twinkle* ✨
Illinois-born, California-bred 🌞 I love it here. If you like animals, movies, video games, collecting makeup and try out new recipes as much as I do, then we’ll get along just fine!
I started up 12 years ago as a nerdy 26 year old. I  always had an online diary of sorts (LiveJournal anyone?), so starting a blog was inevitable.
I take photos and write about everything from life, makeup, games and food for the blog – and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I’m glad you’re here to join me!
I’ve done some product reviews with some brands from across the globe and I’m just getting started!